Shingle Painting, Columbus, OH

Let us tell you about the benefits you can expect from shingle painting.

It is common to want to paint your Columbus, Ohio home a trendy, stylish color but be held back because it would clash with your single roof’s color. When you initially had the roof installed, you probably chose the color based on what would look good with the exterior of your home. Unfortunately, your preferences may have changed and now you are thinking you’ll have to replace the shingles even though they are still in good condition. Stop! You don’t have to do that! Instead, reach out to us at American Quality Painting and let us tell you about our shingle painting services.

Shingle Painting in Columbus, Ohio

Surprised? Most people are! You might even think that would be a good way to shorten the life of the shingles, but the reality is that shingle painting can actually help them last longer. A layer of paint is just one more barrier between the weather and the inside of your home. When you realize that fact, you can understand why shingle painting is beneficial for more than changing the appearance of your home. We are so confident that shingle painting is a great solution that we back this service with a 10-year warranty.

Another benefit of shingle painting is that you can remedy the problem of having dark shingles that do not offer the same reflective capacity as light ones. Painting your shingle roof a lighter color can do wonders for keeping your home cooler on a hot summer day. If you would like to know more about shingle painting or any of our painting services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

At American Quality Painting, we offer shingle painting services in Columbus, Worthington, Westerville, Dublin, Hilliard, Zanesville, Newark, Granville, Upper Arlington, New Albany, Gahanna, Powell, Pickerington, Bexley, Linworth, Galena, Blacklick, Grove City, Groveport, Obetz, Canal, Winchester, Grandview Heights, and Lincoln Village, Ohio.